We provide psychological and dietitian services for those experiencing Muscle Dysmorphia

Vitality Unleashed Psychology provides dietitian services for people experiencing Muscle Dysmorphia.

What is Muscle Dysmorphia?

Muscle Dysmorphia is a psychological condition that falls under a psychological disorder called Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). Muscle Dysmorphia is characterised by an individual having a preoccupation with perceived defect/s or flaws in their own physical appearance that may be unnoticeable to others. This is often associated with repetitive behaviours such as mirror checking, excessive grooming, skin picking and/or reassurance seeking. It is also not uncommon for the person to compare their own appearance to others.

It is important to see a Clinical Psychologist or Psychologist for assessment of Muscle Dysmorphia or another psychological condition that may better explain your presenting concerns, such as another eating disorder.

How Our Accredited Practicing Dietitian Can Help You with Your Muscle Dysmorphia

When working with our Dietitian for your Muscle Dysmorphia, they can help with the following:

  • Provide a dietetic assessment of your current eating patterns and behaviours
  • Determine your daily nutritional needs
    Provide nutrition education and recommendations to ensure you are meeting your daily nutritional needs and requirements
    Help you to overcome your fears of having your physique change (e.g, losing muscle mass).

Get started with treatment for overcoming your eating issues today with our experienced and passionate Clinical Psychologists, Psychologists, and Dietitian. Phone our Clinic today on 07 5574 3888, or email, or Book your Initial Appointment for Psychology and Dietetics Online.

Learn about some of the other common eating disorders below:


Bulimia Nervosa is the recurrent binge-eating episodes (the intake of abnormally large amounts of food in a short period of time), which is then immediately followed by self-induced vomiting, fasting, over-exercising and/or the misuse of laxatives, enemas or diuretics so to prevent that food intake converting to weight gain, and to clear oneself of the guilt from consuming the food.


Anorexia Nervosa is an excessive fear of gaining weight, with preoccupation with body image, obsessive focus on reducing food intake and losing weight, and often includes compensatory behaviours such as excessive exercise, purging or laxative use. A Dietitian can help the individual to restore weight and reverse some of the physical damage caused by the disorder.


Orthorexia is an obsession with eating food that is ‘pure’; their focus is on the quality of the food consumed to an excessive degree, rather than the quantity, beyond that of ‘clean eating’.


Binge Eating Disorder is a condition where a person has regular episodes of consuming an excessive amount of food within a particular space of time (e.g., two-hour sitting) that would be more than what the average person would consume in that same period of time. It is typically accompanied by a feeling of a loss of control over the binging behaviour whereby the will struggle to stop the food consumption even if they wanted to, and associated distress. Furthermore, the person with this condition will not engage in compensatory behaviour such as self-induced vomiting or excessive exercise after binge eating to counteract the calories consumed.